The Cat Ladder 'Cattrip Nature'!
Overcome the height with the Cattrip cat ladder that has restrained your cat from enjoying nature and leading a free, carefree life.
Easy construction
No screws, no tools - promise!
Not everyone is experienced or comfortable in using tools as drills and saws. We kept this in mind in the design of our products. Thanks to the plug-in principle, assembling your cat ladder is child's play. The desired height of the cat ladder is stackable: you simply put one tube on top of the other. The cat ladder is also installed on the balcony or window without tools using screw clamps (simply clamp) or metal clamps (enclose balcony railings or bars).
The plug-in principle offers several other advantages, apart from the simple structure:
Stable, sustainable, flexible
The Cattrip cat ladder has not only been designed to look beautiful, but also to withstand all weather conditions through all seasons. As we use natural and therefore also perishable materials such as wood however, the Cattrip cat ladder will not last forever- just “almost” forever. We acknowledge this and offer a solution: the "almost" durable parts can be reordered from us in small sets at low cost.
See product
Are you already convinced? On the left you will find our two bestsellers: Cattrip Nature in white and grey.
Suitable for outside and inside!
What if your living situation changes and you no longer need the cat ladder? Do not waste the product by selling, gifting or storing it away in your cellar. The Cattrip cat ladder's plug-in principle has other advantages.
Instead of throwing away the cat staircase, you can easily use them for indoor use. You know as well as we do how much cats like to climb, discover, research and observe. Preferably places high-up, that gives them a good overview. Simply order a pedestal and / or a ceiling tensioner, reposition the Cattrip cat ladder, and the cat ladder becomes a cat tree or climbing frame for indoor use.
The appealing design makes the Cattrip cat ladder just as good for indoor use and the patented plug-in system makes it easy to convert from Cattrip Nature to Cattrip Home - and vice versa.

Adapts to your living situation
So much for impermanence. Your living situation can also be changeable, floor plans might change, you may move to a different home.
An apartment on the third floor can become an apartment on the first floor. Where other cat ladders buckle however, the Cattrip cat ladder shows its true durability. You simply unplug the amount of meters that are no longer required.
What if you move from the first to the third floor? Then it's almost as easy. You order the necessary meters and add the cat ladder. It is easy, isn't it?
Cattrip Home
A simple ladder is too boring for you interior? We think so too. That is why there are steps with a larger area on which the cat can rest or majestically observe what is happening. Put the cat tree / frame together according to your or your cat's wishes. A few other plug-in modules will follow so that you can design your very own cat tree in the near future.

Cattrip Home und Cattrip Nature
Our products are divided into product lines Cattrip Nature and Cattrip Home. The aesthetic and function of the products do not differ much. They do differ in construction: For Cattrip Nature (exterior), you will need a balcony attachment and a ground sleeve For Cattrip Home (interior), you need a ceiling tensioner and a pedestal.

Cattrip - Freedom for the Cat!
Cattrip - The Cat ladder - features

Durch das Stecksystem wird jede Höhe erreicht; durch das Wendeltreppen-Prinzip wird dabei nur etwa ein viertel Quadratmeter Grundfläche in Anspruch genommen.
Simpel und einfach kommt Ihre Katze über die Katzenleiter so von Balkon, Fenster oder Terasse in die freie Natur.

No screws, no tools. The height, like the steps, is put together using a simple plug-in system.
Kinderleicht bauen Sie so Ihre Cattrip Katzenleiter auf.

Ob drei oder zwölf Meter, ob weiss ob grau, ob Lärche, Fichte oder Douglasie – Die Cattrip Katzentreppe ist vorab modulier-, individualisier- und anpassbar.
Wählen Sie ganz einfach die Kombination die Ihnen am besten gefällt und/oder am besten zu Ihrem Grundstück, Haus und/oder Balkon passt.
Cattrip Cat Ladder
45,00€ – 1.080,00€